Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Montana Snow!

We've only been here about five weeks and I've had a doctor's appt almost every one of those weeks. I've only gone to one appt where there wasn't snow falling. The midwife thinks that I'm the common-denominator with the snowy weather and as soon as the baby comes it will be spring - I'd love that! :) At least the kids like the snow, but they wish it was "stickier" so they could make snowballs. Gracie makes snow angels instead (thanks for teaching her how, Grammy!:)
My appt went well - everything looks/sounds great and no signs of being in labor. I'm not too surprised - I think this one will go right to the end, like the first two did.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Slow But Sure

I've had some requests to see pictures of the house, so here is what I have so far. Looking at pictures doesn't mean you're off the hook from coming for a visit! :)
It seems like it's taking awhile to get settled, but three rooms have been painted and the main living areas are somewhat organized (minus wall hangings!). I'm hoping that Jason (and I) will have time to get more done when he is on leave after the baby is born....we'll see! :)

This view is looking into the living and dining rooms from the front entryway.
This is looking at the dining and living rooms from the other side of the room - the doorway to the kitchen. The windows at the far end of the room look into a small sunroom (I think it used to be a screen porch).
This is the baby's room from the doorway.
Baby's room from the windows - the door with the giraffe is the closet.
This is the new dresser! I searched for a used dresser that I could use as a changing table, but after looking in every store and on Craig's List for several weeks, I gave up and bought this - I love it (the drawer knobs are clear pink glass-so girly)! I'm hoping that the two girls will share it once they are in the same room.
This space is in the basement (and still not quite put together). We have our computer set up here and there are two closets to the right I'm hoping to stash all the stuff still in those boxes! If you walk around the built-in bookcase you come to the space in the next picture...
...the play room.

Kids at Play

Playing on the neighbors trampoline. It's a good thing they can't climb the chainlink fence or I'd never be able to keep them off it!
Emmett picking juniper berries. He doesn't put them in his mouth, so I'm letting him pick to his hearts content!

Spring Migration at Freezeout Lake

Snow geese landing in a hay field. Jason estimated that field had 5000 geese in it. On our drive that evening we also saw a group of mule deer does, a dozen pheasants, and lots of other water fowl.Checking out the swans on a small (semi-frozen) pond.

Swans (about 400)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Two Weeks 'Til "D"-Day!

I thought we needed at least one more belly shot before the little squirt arrives! :) I'm feeling pretty good - just a few contractions and I can tell that I've definitely expanded in the last week or so. I'm still not ready for her to come - she needs to wait for my help to arrive - Cousin Suzanne in about a week!
P.S. Julie, the wall color is new - I promise to get more house pictures up this weekend!


There is a city park at the end of our block and today was a good day to get out, even though it was a little chilly...

Gracie's Polish tea set has been through the ringer, but the kids still love to play tea party!

Monday, March 9, 2009


The other night when we went to check on the kids before we went to bed, we found Emmett like this:
I guess he decided it was too much work to put his pillow and blankets back on the bed, so he just fell asleep on the floor!

We're still trying to get settled in the new house. Two of the three rooms I want painted are done, but the electrical work isn't, so we can't put furniture along the walls which means no books on the shelves or clothes in the closet (baby's room).
I'm getting very anxious to get things organized - just over three weeks to due date!! I'm feeling good, but tired most of the time. Haven't gain very much weight with this pregnancy - must be because I'm chasing two kiddos around already!
The weather has been very cyclical - we're in a very cold cycle right now (high of -2 expected tomorrow!). However, they're predicting highs in the 50s by the weekend, so at least the cold snaps are short (for now)!
Gracie is signed up for preschool and will start in the fall - she is
very excited, but I don't know how to tell her that she doesn't get to ride the school bus yet. :(
Jason likes his new job and is looking forward to all the new opportunities he will have. He got to see a decommissioned missile silo last week and thought that was pretty interesting. The work welcome has already been 100 times better than what he had at his last job.
I'll do my best to keep the blog updated, but don't be too hard on me if it takes awhile!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Montana Move-In Day

Some say that we wouldn't have had a proper Montana welcome without snow on our first day! We arrived Thursday afternoon and started getting the minimum essentials off the truck. Then, Friday morning we woke up to snow falling and 4 inches already on the ground!

Jason's brother, Jerrod, drove over to help out.

Mom helping me get the kitchen in working order - chaos!

Emmett helping my Dad put the dresser back together. Emmett's new favorite toy is a screwdriver - I keep one in my purse, so I can bribe him with it!

Emmett's first night in a big-boy bed ($50 on Craig's List-bargain!) - he loves it!

Gracie in her new bed (my childhood bed) - she loves it too!I don't have any new pictures of the house - we're still a disaster, but working on it. We are in a holding pattern until the walls are painted and the electrical work is done (not until next Friday). I'll post new pictures next week! (Hopefully!)