Sunday, July 27, 2008

FINALLY!  I decided to try this blog thing! Everyone else is doing it........

Patriotic Emmett

Last Day of Swim Lessons

We've been able to keep pretty busy this summer.  Gracie has been doing ballet and another dance class here on the Army Post.  She also just finished swimming lessons and will start 
basketball and ballet (both here on the Army Post) in a few weeks.  She loves any social activity! We met some great friends at her first ballet class and have been spending time with them at least once a week (they live closer to town, so it's a little more challenging to get together).

At The Water Park

Emmett gets to follow Gracie around most of the time, but loves the pool, so we spend as much time there as we can.  He is already holding his breath and putting his face in the water!  He floats really good, but can't swim on his own yet so he's high-maintenance in the pool!

Our friend, Marc, is coming for a visit on the first of August and then I'm off to WA with the kids on the sixth.  We'll all be heading up to Colorado Springs, to visit our friends John and Beth, for Labor Day.  Last summer the temperature didn't stay below 100 until October, so I'll be searching for more indoor activities to do with the kids after we get back!

Emmett Is In Charge of the Hose!

Jason is busy with work and spends lost of time in the field which he loves, but he doesn't love that it is 120 degrees in some of the canyons he's working in!

More later!

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I can't wait to see more pics of the kids and hear about what you guys have been up to. Emmett looks like he's grown so much since we last saw him in May. This is such a great way for everyone to watch the kids grow until you guys make your way back up to WA (hopefully soon ;)