Thursday, February 10, 2011

Numbers of the Week

We've had a challenging week around here. And it all started with Jessie last are the numbers:

Doctors' visits: 2

Days Gracie missed school because she had the flu: 3 (and the entire weekend)
Number of ear infections: 3
Videos/cartoons viewed: probably close to the 100's
Inches of snow: 12
Lowest temp. outside: near -20

Days Jason has let his beard grow on his quest to be a "true Montanan": 34
(yes dear, I'm counting...)

Boy, am I ready for FRIDAY! Everyone is on the mend and the outside temps will be warming up. So kids, no excuses you are going outside!!

1 comment:

pjnzc said...

My oh my! what crazy times! poor kids and poor you! hope everyone is on the mend!