Friday, October 2, 2009

Jessie is 6 Months Old!

I love this age. Jessie is getting mobile, but not walking and she is very interested in everything, but not getting into trouble! :-)
What she's up to:
Eating solid food -she likes cantaloupe, pears, broccoli, potatoes, squash, carrots, bananas, avocados, and baby toast. I decided to make my own baby food this time (thanks Julie and Diane!). It's going great - Jason calls it "gourmet" baby food, but I'm having fun making it and she seems to like most everything so far.

Jessie is also rolling everywhere and getting into anything that is left within reach. This upsets Emmett quite a bit. When he finds her in a place he doesn't think she should be he yells at me to "pick her up!" and I assure him that it's okay for baby's to roll around and then when I'm not looking he rolls her back! (She usually cries.)

She just got her second tooth and had her well-baby check-up yesterday. Here's how she measured: 16 lbs, 5 oz (60th %tile); 28" long (100th %tile). Her height has been in the 77th %tile and , so I'm not sure if the nurse measured her correctly (if she really is 28", then she's grown 3" in two months!)

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