Sunday, October 7, 2012

Garden Notes

The kids help me "till" the garden in March and seeds were in by May 1st. Unfortunately, even with things covered at night, the ground stayed cool and sprouts were slow-coming. The heat finally arrived the last week of June and it never left. This was our driest, warmest summer since we've been in Montana. I loved it!! (Except for the couple months our water bill doubled because we were filling the kids' pools every other day!)

Good year for:
lettuce, beans, green onions, potatoes, jalapenos, sweet peppers, corn, carrots, and herbs
Not as great for:
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes (have no idea why!?), zucchini & pumpkins (crazy amount of vines, but only a few zucchini and no pumpkins)

The cucumbers and pumpkins got powdery mildew pretty bad, so they slowed way down early. There are definitely a few "mysteries" from the growing season that I will need to figure out before next spring.

Our "prize" pumpkins
After a slow start due to slugs, the green beans went crazy -- we couldn't keep up. Fortunately, I discovered that Elli loves green beans and she would snack on any that were too big/tough for us to eat. If I didn't keep my bowl up while picking, she would just help herself!

 Jalapeno poppers and salsa - need to plant more next year :)

Tomato plant was about half the size of the last couple years....hmmm.